Recent Developments

TIST Farmers earn Triple Gold Certification demonstrating exceptional community, climate, and biodiversity benefits!

In 2021, TIST Farmers earned Triple Gold Certification for the TIST Program, demonstrating exceptional community, climate, and biodiversity benefits!  This certification is a direct result of TIST Farmers’ activities extending beyond the individual and into the local areas.  In Kenya, TIST Leadership launched the TIST Education Fund to support the students in the TIST community who most need funding to continue their education, and will support students in other TIST operating countries in 2022!

Using tools such as and the TIST Learning Center, TIST Champions are expanding the Program through physical and digital farmer-to-farmer connections.  New Small Groups are steadily joining the Program with approximately 1,000 new farmers joining every month and almost 3,000 Small Groups joining TIST in 2021!

In 2022, TIST Farmers will continue to improve their farms, communities, and the planet.  If you would like to make a difference and support TIST's accomplishments you can donate at